Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Sad Times Call For Kindness

My mother had passed away. It was a very traumatic event for my family and I. I work for a Public and Mental Health Department. I knew how to handle my stress and trauma, but at this point it was unbearable for only little ole me. I needed a friend or someone to lean on. I never told anyone that,...

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Me and my dad was at a store and the people in front of us forgot their money so my dad went up and paid for all of their food.

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My Best Friend

Sara Friend she is always there for me when I need someone buy my side. And one day we will be able to go to each others house and have so much fun that we will take some pictures and she will have to send them to me. Also I will do the same for her. And she will do...

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I had a waitress today who was new at her job. We ordered and our meals were delivered without each portion on time. We mentioned that and she apologized several times. But you could tell that this job meant everything to her so we told her we knew she was doing her best and tipped her 30 percent. She was...

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The water

I remember when I was in elementary and I was new to the school but my house was nearby I would walk home for the first time and I turned the corner and was walking for a hour in the desert heat I was about to have a heatstroke and a friend saved me with a water bottle I thank...

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Valentines Gift to my best friend Mia

The kindness that I did is that I got my best friend Mia, a Valentines gift and she liked it, also I wanted to give her a Valentines gift because she’s my best friend and she deserve to get a good gift.

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Valentines Gift to my best friend Mia

The kindness that I did is that I got my best friend Mia, a Valentines gift and she liked it, also I wanted to give a Valentines gift because she’s my best friend and she deserve to get a good gift.

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Good Samaritan

A complete stranger paid my lunch check today. Don't know who it was. Waitress kept name and gender a secret.

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The People at Basketball

at my basketball everyone says sorry when they block people and they are always cheering even when you dont get it in. they are really nice to everyone

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Haverford High School's No Place For Hate Week of Kindness

Hello! We are Haverford High School's No Place For Hate club and in honor of Random Act of Kindness Day, we created the "Week of Kindness" at our school. Our mission, like the Random Act of Kindness Foundation, was to make kindness the norm. Every day we had volunteers from our club to hand things out to the school, and...

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lonely kid

I'm in the 6th grade, I and my friends were playing basketball together, we saw that this kid was playing on the wings by himself we invited him over to play with us, and he was actually really good.

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my freind Nate

I was in third grade. At reccess I was board and had no one to play with. Then my freind Nate asked me to play handball with him and I told him yes. After reccess I thanked him for letting me play with him.

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One By One

Every other Sunday, I volunteer at my church, I teach 2nd graders. And we all know kids, they have NO filter, so they just say whatever comes to mind. And this past Sunday, 02132022, I had two step-sister's and their kindergarten brother who had autism-I love kids who need special needs, they're so cute-and this one kid, Timothy mad fun...

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Giving A Slice

2020, I went camping with my family-like every Summer-and we were camping in Savannah, Georgia and then to South Carolina. We were Savannah one night, walking around a small town, and this couple bought a box of fresh pizza, and they walked by a homeless veteran, and they opened their box of pizza and they gave him a few slices...

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The Halls + crutches

(Just an FYI, this is not my story, just an act of kindness that I was there for!) At my old school, the 8th grade hallways were always pretty congested when the bell rang. I was in 6th grade at the time. I was helping my best friend at the time who was on crutches due to a sprained ankle,...

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Helping out a home owner

I bought a flat last year that needed a lot of renovating so in order to cut costs I’ve been doing it up myself, unfortunately this also meant I haven't had much time to go food shopping so I can have a decent meal. Met a friend at the bar a few weeks into renovations and mentioned how things were...

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to give is to get

i work at a youth leadership camp. every day I'm surprised by how smart and resilient children are. they are told their whole youth that they are just kids but they experience not so childish things. I've had kids come to camp crying because they slept on the street, some kids come hungry and some kids come from a physically...

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Help of a kind person

I was walking through the halls of my school trying to get to my next class and there were people getting pushed, a kid had fallen on the ground and dropped all of his stuff. A sweet person came and helped him pick up his stuff walked him to the nurse to see if he was ok than walked him...

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The Jared Box Project

The Jared Box Project is on a mission to bring smiles and joy to children in hospitals. Please consider sharing our compelling story with your audience. One little kindergartener named Jared sparked a wave of kindness that spread across the country. Jared’s inspiration has lifted the spirits of over 980,000 children in hospitals in all 50 states. His story has...

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mi amor

this is me and my boyfriend and I love him very very much he is my happness tbh I don't know what I would do with out him we just went to mexico together witches was fun I meet all his family we went to really cool places and ughhh it was fun but the reason am putting this on...

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One time I was at a local Publix as the man in front of me forgot his wallet at his house. I saw that he only had a few small items as I decided to pitch in and pay for his groceries, as he was overjoyed by my kind act.

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♡Skating Support♡

A girl who I recently befriended was having a skating recital which she invited me to watch. Being kind, I decided to make a poster for her. I did it to give her some extra support and cheer her on. When it was her turn to preform, I held up the poster and she seemed to like it. I am...

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Animals need kindness too

Colorado recently had terrible fires. Nearly 2,000 people lost there homes, but not just humans, animals too. My mom and I heard that during the fires people were out and about so the animals ran out of the house when the fires started and many animals became strays;so we signed up to be animal foster parents until they found new...

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So this one time I went to the store to get an Xbox live gift card and I forgot taxes was a thing so when I got it and went to the cash register I didn't have enough money but then the cashier buys the whole gift card for me and when I got older I found him and we...

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Kindness Story

One person who really inspires me is my mom. She really inspires me to work hard, and to succeed in life. That's what I really love about my mom. She's the best.

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Full Circle

Everyday I do a random act of kindness but one particular day I went to visit my long time friend and I decided to share my story that I share with students in the classroom with her. I brought a beautifully wrapped gift for my friend to open after I finished the story. The items inside the wrapped gift went...

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My Coworker's Selflessness

A recent time I have experienced someone else demonstrating a random act of kindness was in my workplace. One time a customer came up to me and was asking for the manager of my department. She knew my manager’s name, so I suspected they must have known each other outside of the store or they really connected the last time...

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Paper Heart Attack

One of my favorite activities to do with students is a paper "Heart Attack". I was introduced to this idea when some friends of my daughter "heart attacked" our front door. I took this idea and now do it at school. As a principal, with the students' help, I have the opportunity to do a "Heart Attack" for every classroom...

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A teen helps out a Blind chick

I was on my way home as usual, then I saw some blind chick lookingfor her dog.So I came over their and said miss I'll help find your dog. But first I had to take her home so about 20 minutes later we got to her house. Before I left I said I'll find your dog as soon as possible....

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Something I was taught and have carried on doing is letting people at the supermarket with baskets go before me when I have a trolley-load of things. I see it as common courtesy, but from the reactions this gesture always receives I realise it's seen as a random kindness. It always makes me feel better, anyway.

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