Make Kindness the Norm at Home
FREE Resources to Make Kindness the Norm at home and in your community..

Kindness in the Classroom® is a CASEL approved, highly effective, evidence-based, social emotional learning curriculum used all over the world, with focuses on equity, teacher self-care, digital citizenship and kindness.


There are currently 59,901 RAKtivists. Click here to become our newest RAKtivist!


If all 59,901 RAKtivists did just one act of kindness a day... that would equal 21,863,865 a year!


There are Random Acts of Kindness (RAKtivists) in 89 countries & on every continent except Antarctica.


"As I was walking my dogs, I waved down the trash truck. The driver pulled over and I told him how much I appreciate the work he does. He smiled so big and said thank you. He said it made his whole day to be recognized and appreciated."

"Someone had a bag of goodies delivered after I got out of the hospital. I have never known such kindness before."

"A girl in another class offered her jacket to tie around my waist to cover the rip in my skirt. She saved my life!"

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