Begin each moment, each conversation, each action... with kindness
The most beautiful acts of kindness show up in the most challenging times.

People across the world are feeling a multitude of emotions right now. How we respond matters. Consider that every response you have can begin with kindness. Each week, we will be providing ideas on ways to be kind to yourself and others while we physically distance from each other. Remember that physical distancing does not mean we’ve lost connection… indeed, it means we have an opportunity to create stronger connections.

This week, consider how important self-care is during challenging times. Remind yourself this week that you are doing the best you can. We are in unchartered waters. This is the time when giving ourselves a little bit of a break is more important than you know. Practice gratitude, but do it in an intentional way that reminds YOU how incredible YOU are. Write down five things that make you proud of yourself. These do not have to be big accomplishments. Maybe you just got out of bed and got a shower today. Booyah! Perhaps you paid some bills. Woohoo! You are an amazing person. Remember that.

As far as connecting with others, let’s see what we can do about that.

  1. Pick up your phone and dial someone. Don’t text and ask how they’re doing. Call them. Set aside the time to talk to them, uninterrupted.
  2. Go for a walk. While you’re out, pop these notes on your neighbors’ doors with your information (assuming you are well and able to help those in need).
  3. Get creative. Paint a rainbow on your window to spread a little cheer to those walking by.
  4. Clean the house! This is a great time to get into all those little nooks and crannies and do a deep clean of your house. Make it fun by playing your favorite music and dancing while cleaning!
  5. Get online and set up a face-to-face meeting through Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts or any platform that offers it… connect with your neighbors, family members you haven’t seen in awhile, friend and co-workers. Check in on each other, tell jokes, share memories.

Have a great idea about how to connect with others while at home? Share them with us! We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at

In the meantime, if you’re looking for a pick-me-up, join our RAKtivists (Random Acts of Kindness Activists) online and see what others are doing while we’re all at home. :) Once you’ve joined, get over to the Facebook page to join the group!

We're going to get through this... if we begin with kindness.
Our mailing address is:
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
555 17th Street • Denver, CO 80202

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